虽然 20 至 30 年前患有乳糜泻和麸质敏感性的人在消费包装产物中几乎没有或没有无麸质选择,而且 10 年前只有有限的选择。但现在几乎每个市场领域都可以使用无麸质解决方案。然而,仍然需要注意的方面是产物的质量、口感和质地。无麸质产物正在改进,但有些仍然只是对过去包含纤维、蛋白质和物质的高淀粉仿制品。消费者越来越多地开始意识到,如果配方设计师不匹配原始成分的营养属性,可能会对健康产生负面影响。技术、新颖的成分和积极的消费者互动是成功的关键。
l 菜籽蛋白作为无麸质面包的新成分。(Rapeseed protein as a novel ingredient of gluten-free bread)
l 乳清蛋白和混合粉对无麸质面包品质参数的影响。(Effect of whey protein and mixed flours on the quality parameters of gluten-free breads)
l 无麸质面包产物:由不同蚕豆品种制成的饼干。(Gluten-free bakery products: Cookies made from different Vicia faba bean varieties)
l 可持续性和区域性美食:木薯叶是无麸质饼干的潜在成分。(Sustainable and regional gastronomy: cassava leaves as a potential ingredient for gluten-free biscuits)
l 配方中含有益生菌的无麸质饼干和富含益生菌的可食用盖。(Formulation of a Gluten-free Cookie with Prebiotics and an Edible Cover Enriched with Probiotics)
l 巴巴苏中果粉:巴西无麸质松饼的营养副产物。(Babassu Mesocarp Flour: A Nutritive Brazilian By-product for Gluten-free Muffins)
l 柿子粉在无麸质蛋糕中的应用及其物理、化学、功能和感官特性的测定。(Utilization of persimmon powder in gluten-free cakes and determination of their physical, chemical, functional and sensory properties)
l 杏仁和椰子粉对生酮无麸质蛋糕的影响。(Influence of almond and coconut flours on Ketogenic, Gluten-Free cupcakes)
l 创新的无麸质产物,不使用任何食品添加剂。(Gluten-free product innovation without use of any food additives)
l 分析使用不同水胶体和干燥温度以及不添加糖生产的无麸质和无乳糖谷物棒的微观结构和质地。(Analysis of microstructure and texture of gluten and lactose-free cereal bars, produced with different hydrocolloids and drying temperatures and no-added sugar)
l 富含印尼食用红海藻(Kappaphycus Alvarezii)的无麸质意大利面的理化、感官和烹饪品质。(Physicochemical, Sensory, and Cooking Qualities of Gluten-free Pasta Enriched with Indonesian Edible Red Seaweed (Kappaphycus Alvarezii))
l 富含脉冲蛋白分离物的无麸质面食配方优化。(Optimization of Gluten-Free Pasta Formulation Enriched with Pulse Protein Isolates)
l 苋菜面加工工艺的评价。(Evaluation of Amaranth Flour Processing for Noodle Making)
l 一种新的无麸质产物:糙米球蛋白及其理化性质。(A new gluten-free product: Brown rice bulgur, and its some physical and chemical properties)
l 使用不同藜麦(Chenopodium quinoa)品种的无麸质面食的组成、力学和质地特性的关系。(Relationship of Compositional, Mechanical, and Textural Properties of Gluten-Free Pasta Using Different Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Varieties)
天美麻花星空视频版权所有 地址:深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道新生社区新旺路和健云谷2栋叠座1002